‘She resisted as I stabbed her to death’

June 19, 2016  

When Dafna Meir was murdered in her home in Otniel in January, she went down fighting, according to the teenage terrorist who murdered her in front of her children.

Meir, a mother of six who worked as a neurosurgical nurse in Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva, struggled against her killer, a fact that may have saved the lives of other potential victims.

According to transcripts of the interrogation with the terrorist, which were recently publicized by Walla News, Meir struggled with the killer during the fatal encounter. When he plunged the knife into his victim, the terrorist was unable to remove it and continue his killing spree.

“She struggled against me,” the terrorist told interrogators. “I stabbed her until I was unable to remove the knife from her body, and [when] I saw another woman coming, I ran away and went back home and watched a Saudi film.”

Had he been able to remove the knife, however, the killer says he would have continued to murder Jews until he “died a martyr’s death”.

“I would have kept on stabbing her, and if I would have seen another Jew I would have stabbed him to death [as well]. If I had managed to take out the knife from her body, I would have continued to murder Jews until I died a martyr’s death,” said the terrorist/

“Every Muslim hopes to die a martyr’s death,” he added. “I want to enter heaven and have 70 virgins.”

According to the interrogation, the terrorist intentionally sought a female victim, “Because it’s revenge for the killing of Palestinian women and children by Jews.”

The terrorist declared that the murder was committed as part of the effort to “liberate Palestine” – including cities inside the Green Line like Haifa, Akko, Tiberias, Tel Aviv Yafo, and Nazareth.

“The liberation of Palestine is in the hands of prisoners and heroic martyrs; and we will return to Akko, to Haifa, to Tiberias, to Yafo, and to Nazareth.”

The murderer then questioned his interrogators, asking him why he was prevented from visiting the Temple Mount. “I would go to the Al Aqsa Mosque, even if I would be killed, and on the way I would murder as many Zionist Jews as possible.”

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