London: Shomrim save peer from mugging

June 17, 2016  

The London Shomrim stopped a thief from robbing a member of the House of Lords earlier this week.

The Jewish Chronicle reports that two youths riding bicycles attack Lord Glasman, a Labour Party peer, near his Stoke Newington home.

Fortunately, several members of the Jewish neighborhood watch organization saw the incident and chased down the attempted muggers. They then held the suspects until police were able to take over.

“Thank you for your exemplary work, that you do every day and for what you did yesterday,” said Lord Glasman. “You make all people in our community safer, even me. It is wonderful that you are there and wonderful to know you.”

A spokesperson for the Stamford Hill Shomrim explained that “Shomrim volunteers followed and observed two males on pedal-bikes acting suspiciously on Wednesday evening at approximately 23:10. The suspects were seen cycling through Stamford Hill into Stoke Newington. One suspect mounted the pavement on Stoke Newington Church Street, and attempted to snatch a briefcase from an unsuspecting victim, luckily the victim managed to grab it back.

“Shomrim immediately alerted Police and continued to follow the two suspects. Upon Police arrival, the suspects made off from Police. Both suspects were caught and subsequently arrested by Police.”

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