Knesset Speaker ‘deeply shocked’ at murder of British MP

June 16, 2016  

Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein (Likud) has sent a letter of condolence to the British public and his UK counterpart, following the assassination of a British MP earlier Thursday.

Labour MP Jo Cox was murdered in broad daylight, in a brutal shooting and stabbing attack in her constituency.

British leaders from across the political spectrum expressed their shock, condemnation and sadness at the vicious attack.

In his letter to Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow, Edelstein said he was “deeply shocked” over the young MP’s tragic death, and sent his “condolences to my counterpart, Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow, and to the British people.”

“A murder committed against an elected representative, for expressing an opinion, is a vile act, and a warning sign for any society, including ours in Israel,” Edelstein continued, referring to reports the former human rights campaigner had been targeted by a right-wing extremist for her political views. 

“Freedom of Expression is the bedrock of our societies, and such violence is an abhorrent phenomenon that must be stamped out.”

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