Jerusalem to get ‘Gush Katif Square’

June 20, 2016  

The Jerusalem Municipality Naming Committee has accepted the recommendation of chairwoman and Deputy Mayor Yael Antebi (Pisgat Zeev on the Map) to dedicate a square on Shaarei Tzedek Street in honor of the Jewish communities in the Gaza Strip.

The location of the square was chosen to due to its proximity to the Gush Katif Museum, which is also located on Shaarei Tzedek Street.

The decision to name the square after the bloc of towns demolished in the 2005 Gaza Disengagement is the first official measure taken by the city to remember the Jewish community in the Gaza Strip.

Deputy Mayor Antebi praised the committee’s ruling, saying “It’s very important to remember that great settlement enterprise which was turned from a blossoming garden to a wasteland, and to remember what processes brought to Gush Katif’s destruction.”

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