Israel takes gold at European Championship

June 19, 2016  

The Israeli team won the gold medal at the European Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship on Sunday for their hoops and batons routine.

In the past few days, the team was also awarded the silver medal in the ribbons event, and a bronze for the group all-around final behind Russia and Belarus.

The team of Alona Koshevatsky, Karina Lykhvar, Ida Mayrin, Yuval Filo, and Ekaterina Levina registered a score of 18.316, winning its first ever gold medal at the European championships.

The championship event was held in Israel’s coastal city of Holon.

Sunday’s results guarantee the team’s presence in the summer games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and secure its position as a favorite to win Olympic medals.

MK Ksenia Svetlova (Zionist Union) celebrated the win via twitter: “Congratulations to the Israeli rhythmic gymnastics team who gave us a gold medal in the European championship. The investment definitely payed off. Investing in more fields of sport will also pay off!”

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