Former MK: Reform Movement is trying to uproot halacha

July 9, 2016  

Former MK Rabbi Nissim Ze’ev (Shas) hopes that the Supreme Court rejects the Reform Movement’s request to hold mixed prayers in the upper section of Kotel.

“They gave them the southern Kotel and now they also want the upper plaza. Their prayer today was in violation of the Attorney General’s decision. They brought a Torah scroll in violation of the regulations. This is how it is: once they break through a little, they never stop. Give them mixed prayers in the southern Kotel and they’ll want mixed prayers at the Kotel.”

According to Ze’ev, the Reform takeover of the Kotel must be stopped. “They come here in order to change the Jewish People’s heritage. They already failed in Europe and the United States. There’s 80 percent intermarriage there because their goal is to expand the religion, and to separate Judaism from the Torah. They don’t believe in the 10 Commandments, they don’t keep Shabbat and they blaspheme the Torah.

“They don’t come to the Kotel to pray but rather to change Judaism. We can’t allow this to happen, and I hope that the Supreme Court does not give them this opportunity to pray in the upper courtyard because it could lead to a fight within the Jewish People. The majority is with us, along with the Jewish traditions of generations.”

Nissim Ze’ev is confident that, should there be no other alternative, it would also be possible to take the fight to the United Nations. “There is a UN resolution saying that you must allow the indigenous people to maintain their traditions. The State of Israel is not a signatory to the UN Declaration, but this resolution exists – the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. We are indigenous to the Land of Israel, we have a historic and religious connection to this land and you can’t bring a group to try and force us to change the local customs.”

He added that the demand to separate men and woman is essential in Judaism. “Every claim of unfair treatment for women is full of holes. Even when they talk about separate schools, they cry out against the separation as though girls were discriminated against in favor of boys. They don’t understand that this is the essence of the halacha.

“The separation doesn’t come from necessity or force, but rather from desire and awareness. It isn’t only for separate prayers but also in issues throughout our lives, including swimming pools and synagogues. This is the essence of the religion, and you can’t come and uproot the halacha.”

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