Counter-terror bill passed into law

June 15, 2016  

The Knesset passed on Wednesday an anti-terror bill proposed by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, with 57 votes in favor and 16 against.

The legislation, which increases the punishments for organizers of terrorism and enables courts to convict terror cell leaders more easily, replaces a series of emergency provisions used since the establishment of the state.

According to the law, those involved directly or indirectly in organizing terror cells could face up to 25 years in prison, while leaders of terror cells would face a mandatory life sentence. Terrorists who use chemical, biological, or radioactive weapons during attacks would also face mandatory life sentences.

The law also requires that terrorists given life sentences may only become eligible for parole after at least 15 years in jail.

Terrorists who use firearms or deal in weapons used for terror will also face longer jail terms, as will individuals serving in management capacities in terror organizations, who could face up to 10 years in prison.

Individuals who give financial support to terror groups will face 9 years in jail, while those who threaten to commit terror attacks could face up to 7 years. The law also increase the punishment for those making public statements of support for terror. Public praise of terror attacks or terror organizations could now land terror supporters a 3-year jail term.

Under the new law the Prime Minister and Defense Minister will now be able to declare groups terrorist organizations, based upon the recommendation of the Shin Bet security agency and in consultation with the Attorney General.

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