Clinton opens up double-digit lead over Trump

June 14, 2016  

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has opened up a double-digit lead nationally over Republican Donald Trump, a Bloomberg Politics national poll released Tuesday finds.

The poll shows Clinton leading Trump 49 percent to 37 percent among likely voters in November’s election, with 55 percent of those polled saying they could never vote for Trump.

Most national polls in late May and early June showed a closer race, but they were taken before criticism intensified of Trump’s charge that a judge overseeing fraud cases against Trump University is biased because of the judge’s Mexican heritage.

55 percent of likely voters in the new poll said they were very bothered by those comments, according to Bloomberg.

One bit of positive news for Trump in the results is that he narrowly edges out Clinton, 45 percent to 41 percent, when those surveyed were asked which candidate they would have more confidence in if a similar attack to the one in Florida took place a year from now.

The Bloomberg poll is the first major telephone survey since the mass shooting, heightened furor over Trump’s statements about the judge, and Clinton’s June primary victories in California and other states that cemented her status as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

The poll was conducted Friday through Monday, with additional questions about terrorism, guns, and Muslims added after the attack Sunday in Orlando.

The proportion of Americans saying the nation is on the right track dropped to 19 percent from 27 percent, when compared before and after the Orlando incident. The share saying terrorism or the Islamic State (ISIS) is the most important election issue rose to 28 percent from 16 percent.

A Fox News poll released last Friday found that Clinton has a three-point edge over Donald Trump (42-39 percent) in a hypothetical matchup.

That poll followed one which was released the previous week and which found that Clinton had opened up a double-digit lead over Trump.

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