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svgadminsvgJanuary 19, 2014svgNews

Ya’alon to Terrorists: No More ‘Free Shots’ on Southern Israel

With the recent uptick in rocket attacks on southern Israel, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has a message for Gaza Arab terrorists: Don’t try us.

Speaking on Sunday, Ya’alon said that the IDF would hit hard and fast against terror targets each time Israel was attacked. “The IDF on Sunday morning targeted a terror cell that was responsible for firing rockets at Israel last week, when rockets were fired at Ashkelon,” Ya’alon said.

“We will not accept the targeting by terrorists of Israel, and we will act to cause damage to anyone that threatens the security of our citizens,” he added.

Ya’alon stressed that the days of terrorists taking “free shots” at Israel were over. “We will not permit a return to the days when rocket attacks were a matter of routine. Anyone who tries this will pay the price. I would not recommend anyone in Gaza to try our determination to defend Israelis,” Ya’alon added.

Early Sunday, Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft targeted several terrorist sites in Gaza, hours after a rocket attack on southern Israel. A statement from the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that the aircraft targeted two centers of terrorist activity in southern and central Gaza. Direct hits were identified and all Israeli aircraft returned safely to their bases, said the statement. Several hours before the airstrikes, a rocket exploded in an open area between two communities in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council.

Last Wednesday, Gaza Arab terrorists fired a barrage of rockets at Ashkelon. Five of the rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system, which shoots down rockets before they hit populated areas. Several other rockets may have exploded in open areas. There were no reports of physical injuries or damages. The “Color Red” rocket siren was sounded prior to the explosions.

Wednesday night’s rocket attack follows several attacks on Monday.

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