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svgadminsvgJanuary 18, 2015svgNews

‘Workers Party’ Heads Herzog, Livni Multi-Millionaires

Yitzchak Herzog and Tsipi Livni, the two heads of the Labor Party – renamed ‘Zionist Camp’ for the duration of the current elections – own property worth tens of millions of shekels, and both have significant savings and stock holdings, Channel Two disclosed on Sunday.

Herzog is the owner of several properties in Tel Aviv, the most expensive being a home that belonged to his parents in the upscale Tzahala section of the city. That property alone is worth NIS 8 million ($2.2 million). He also is part owner of a large plot of land in Tel Aviv and an apartment in Haifa, for which he is still paying off a mortgage.

Herzog also has bank account holdings of NIS 2.6 million ($600,000), as well as a savings account worth NIS 585,000 ($150,000).

Livni also owns extensive and expensive real estate holdings. She owns a five room home in the Ramat Hahayal neighborhood of Tel Aviv, said to be worth NIS 5 million ($1.35 million). She purchased that home in 1982 for $82,000. She has NIS 34,000 ($9,000) in the bank, and NIS 2.5 million ($575,000) in stock market holdings.

The data was taken from disclosure statements given by the two. It does not include pension accounts.

svgSources: Killed Hezbollah Terrorist Planned Attacks in Golan
svgNew Central Command Head: Maj. Gen. Roni Numa