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svgadminsvgMay 31, 2016svgNews

‘We’re keeping an eye on Liberman’

MK Shuli Mualem (Jewish Home) played down fears on Tuesday, following Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s comments Monday night in favor of the establishment of a Palestinian state.

“At this point I still do not see a reason to be concerned by these kinds of declarations regarding a peace [treaty] or others by the incoming Defense Minister,” said Mualem. “Even when [Tzipi] Livni was in the government, and despite her genuine desire to reach a final status agreement negotiations fell through because the Palestinians themselves didn’t want it.”

In Liberman’s case, Mualem sees the statements regarding a two-state solution as empty promises to appease foreign leaders.

“In this case [Liberman] wants to appease the international community with meaningless declarations during the government’s transition.”

But, Mualem emphasized, right-wing MKs must remain vigilant and ensure that Liberman’s declarations remain idle talk.

“We’ll be keeping an eye on him to make sure that no such process [towards Palestinian statehood] gains traction.”

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svgBegin: 'Right-wingers who support Liberman are fools'