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svgadminsvgSeptember 10, 2015svgNews

US-Israeli 9/11 Memorial ‘Looks Forward to Better Times’

Arutz Sheva spoke to world Jewish National Fund-Keren Kayemet LeYisrael (JNF-KKL) chairman Efi Stenzler on Thursday, at a ceremony marking the September 11, 2001 attacks in Beit Zayit (outside of Jerusalem) held with the US Embassy. 

Stenzler noted that the ceremony was being held at the Israeli memorial to 9/11, the largest memorial site for the event outside the US itself. 

“This is a torch for those who want and believe in peace and in the rights of human beings,” Stenzler stated. “We today salute the fighters and the families of the victims, and we look forward to better times.”

“On the one hand, we want peace, on the other hand, we will not give in to those who attack and destroy civilization.” 

Stenzler also noted the vitality of the US-Israel relationship, saying that Israel is “very appreciative” of the US’s efforts to fight terror. 

The US marks 14 years since the attacks on Friday, in which Al Qaeda terrorists coordinated four separate attacks on US citizens and landmarks. 

2,996 people were killed when two passenger planes crashed into the New York World Trade Center towers, one crashed into the Pentagon, and one crashed in a field near Shanksville, PA after passengers heroically battled the hijackers. 

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