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svgadminsvgFebruary 29, 2012svgNews

UN to Visit at PA Request

The ‘Palestinians’ have invited the U.N. Security Council to visit Judea, Samaria, Gaza and East Jerusalem, the Associated Press reported.

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. observer, told reporters that the purpose of the visit is to enable the observers “to see with their own eyes the reality of the Palestinian people in the occupied territory” including, as he stated, Israel’s “illegal” building in the “settlements,” the Associated Press reported.  

Israel’s United Nations Ambassador Ron Prosor, characterized the invitation as “an attempt to try and divert attention, and again try and internationalize the conflict, and not really try and stick to what is important on both sides — and that is direct negotiations.”

“The situation on the ground in both Gaza and the West Bank remains dangerous and ultimately unsustainable,” said U.N. political chief B. Lynn Pascoe. He then called on the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas to reach an agreement before the end of the year.

Mansour blamed Israel for the failure of the meetings in Jordan and said that Israel introduced ideas that are in “complete contradiction with the global consensus.”  

“The Israeli side is refusing to negotiate on the basis of the global consensus,” he went on to state.

Prosor accused Abbas of giving “a horrible speech trying to deny the connection between the Jewish people and the state of Israel.”

The Palestinians invited the Security Council to Judea and Samaria a year ago while a resolution was being debated that would have condemned “illegal” Israeli settlements and demanded an immediate halt to all settlement building, the Associated Press reported.

The United States objected to the original draft and proposed a weaker statement that was then rejected but the ‘Palestinians.’

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