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svgadminsvgSeptember 10, 2014svgNews

UN to Investigate Israeli Strikes on Gaza Schools

United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon has revealed his intentions to establish an independent investigative committee into the IAF airstrikes on UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools in Gaza – despite the rampant use of such schools as terror sites.

Speaking to the London-based Arab paper Al Hayyat as cited by Yedioth Aharonoth, Ban called for the investigation of the strikes and the deaths of UNRWA workers, saying “those responsible should be put on trial, whoever they may be.”

The investigation would be separate from a UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) investigation of IDF “war crimes,” which will be run by a Canadian law professor with a stated anti-Israel bias and a former Goldstone committe member, a committee that accused Israel of such crimes after Operation Cast Lead. Even Judge Richard Goldstone later retracted that accusation.

Ban also acknowledged that there is a need to investigate the storage of missiles and weapons by terrorists in UNRWA Gaza facilities.

In fact, no fewer than three UNRWA schools were found during the course of the 50-day operation to be being used to store rockets for the terrorist organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad. 

After the first finding of rockets at an UNRWA school, it was reported that rather than destroying the rockets, UNRWA workers called Hamas to come remove them to use in their terror war on Israeli civilians.

In another incident, three IDF soldiers were killed and seven others wounded in a booby-trapped UN clinic that was situated on top of terror tunnel entrances, showing the complicity of the UN in Gaza-based terror against Israel.

Aside from the UN criticism against Israel for striking its schools, the US also got in on the action last month, calling one strike on terrorists operating adjacent to a UN school “disgraceful.” The IDF reported that terrorists in several cases fired rockets from the schools, prompting the response.

The IDF has even provided video evidence proving that Hamas fires rockets from inside the schools.

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