The UN delivers a “One Arab State Solution” through an art exhibit that shows all of Israel as Palestine, mirroring Mahmoud Abbas’ “peace process map.”
The exhibit is displayed at the public entrance of the United Nations, where the Palestinian Authority chairman two weeks ago delivered a speech before the General Assembly vote that granted the PA Non-Member Observer status.
The Breitbart website noted that the top of the cover page of his speech featured a logo that promotes all of Israel as a future state of Arab Palestine.
Publicly, Abbas has stated he wants “negotiations” with Israel that would recognize the Palestinian Authority based on the United Nations Temporary Armistice Lines drawn up in 1949 and erased with the Six-Day War in 1967.
He also insists on Israel’s accepting approximately 5 million foreign Arabs into the country, which would render an Israel a de facto Arab country.
Although the Palestinian Authority officially promotes a “two-state solution,” the Palestinian Authority’s UN representative Riyadh Mansour followed the vote by opening the art exhibit entitled “Palestine – Memories Dreams Perseverance.”
The titles of the art bear titles such as, “Homeless, “Delirious in Exile” and “to Jerusalem We Travel.” At worst, it eliminates Israel; at best, it is an attempt to claim that Israel was given Palestinian land even if there is a settlement, despite the fact that there was no such nation when Israel was formed..
One display shows all of the names of Arab terrorist organizations in the shape of the Land of Israel.