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svgadminsvgAugust 19, 2013svgNews

Two Wounded Syrians Brought to Israel

Two wounded Syrians were brought by IDF soldiers to the Ziv Medical Center in the northern Israeli city of Tzfat on Sunday night, after being hurt during the ongoing civil war in their country.

The two patients were listed in moderate condition, with one suffering from a bullet wound in his stomach and the other from a fractured hand.

So far, 64 wounded Syrians have been treated at the Ziv Hospital. At least 17 Syrian casualties were taken for treatment in Israel since the weekend.

The Golan has been tense since the beginning of the civil war in Syria more than two years ago, but so far there have only been minor flare-ups as Syrian small arms fire or mortar rounds hit the Israeli side, prompting an occasional Israeli response.

On Saturday, the Israeli army fired into Syria after shells from the neighboring country hit the Israeli side of the Golan Heights, a military spokesman said. The Israeli attack demolished a Syrian military position.

Also on Saturday, seven wounded Syrians were taken into Israel for medical care.

Dozens of Syrians, including women and children, have been treated in hospitals in northern Israel since the beginning of the uprising in their country.

Israel accepts the wounded Syrians and provides them with medical treatment, despite Syria formally being an enemy country. Other countries neighboring Syria and which have diplomatic ties with it, mostly do not agree to take in these wounded Syrians.

Last week, Ariyai Halevi, X-ray technician at the Western Galilee Hospital in Nahariya, posted a short status update to his Facebook page that speaks volumes, some would say, about the Middle East situation.

The hospital in Nahariya is one of the hospitals in northern Israel that receive wounded Syrians. Halevi wrote about the father of a Syrian girl who cried upon seeing the treatment that his daughter was receiving from religious Jews working at the hospital.

“The guard (a Druze who spoke Arabic) brought him to the side so I could do my job,” wrote Halevi. “Believe it or not, I have a very good bedside manner, especially with kids. After I was done, the guard came and told me that when he brought the guy to the side that he asked what I was with the getup and all. When he explained that I’m a very religious Jew and that’s how we look, the dad got nervous. However, when he saw how nicely and kindly I treated his kid, he started crying and said that he can’t believe that none of Syria’s Arab neighbors like Lebanon or Jordan will take them in, but the religious Jew from Israel treats his kid like his own daughter.”

On August 7, Halevi had written:

“I find it very ironic. Every week in my hospital we get several seriously wounded patients from Syria. This is besides the ones that go to Ziv, Poria, and Rambam. These patients are taken care of for free and brought to us by the UN since no one else will take care of them. So the UN knows Jews are the only ones who will help anyone no matter what background, yet they continue to bash us as Arab hating oppressors.”

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