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svgadminsvgMay 20, 2015svgNews

Two Injured in Jerusalem Car Terror Attack

Two Israeli border policewomen have been wounded in a suspected car-terror attack in Jerusalem, close to the Mount of Olives.

A police statement reported that two police officers were run over by an Arab motorist in the A-Tur neighborhood; their wounds have been described as light-to-moderate.

The terrorist was shot and critically wounded by police, and died of his wounds shortly after.

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics provided emergency treatment at the scene and then evacuated the injured to Shaarei Tzedek and Hadassah Mount Scopus hospitals in the capital.

Witnesses described how the terrorist first rammed into his victims, then attempted to reverse over them to confirm the kill, but was shot and critically injured by a border policeman.

Meanwhile, tens of Arab rioters gathered to attack emergency responders.

Jerusalem District police commander Moshe Edri, who was at the scene shortly afterwards, said that “border police officers acted as was expected of them – they neutralized the terrorist and prevented further injuries to innocents.”

The incident is the latest in a series of attacks by Arab terrorists involving the use of cars or other vehicles to kill and injure Israeli civilians and police.

Last week a car terror attack on a group of Israeli teenagers in Gush Etzion left four students injured, one of them seriously.

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