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svgadminsvgJanuary 25, 2016svgNews

Twin sisters planned bomb attack against Israelis

IDF and Shin Bet security services arrested twin sisters planning a terror attack last month, it has been cleared for publication.

The sisters – 18-year-old Diana and Nadia Huwila – are residents of the village of Shuweika, north of Tulkarem in Samaria. A search of their home revealed a fully assembled bomb, complete with a detonator, as well as bomb-making equipment including fertilizer, a knife, other weapons and Hamas propaganda.

Under Shin Bet interrogation it was revealed that Diana had purchased the bomb components independently, and had used online instructions to assemble an explosive device meant for use against Israeli targets.

Her sister Nadia acted as her accomplice, hiding the evidence in the home they shared.

Investigators also revealed that Diana had spent hours watching Islamic extremist videos and other material online, which contributed towards her radicalization.

In the past several days indictments were served against the sisters by the Samaria Military Court. Diana is charged with producing an explosive device and illegal weapons offenses, while Nadia faces only the latter charges.

“This investigation emphasizes once more the continued motivation to carry out terror attacks, even among those who are not (directly) linked to terrorist organizations, and among them, women,” the Shin Bet said in a statement. The agency also noted the case illustrated the key role online incitement and even instructions were playing in encouraging and aiding extremists in carrying out terror attacks.

This is the third terrorist cell uncovered in the Tulkarem area in recent weeks.

Yesterday (Sunday), authorities revealed the arrest of a terror cell which, aided by a PA intelligence officer, had carried out a shooting attack against IDF forces.

Last week, the Shin Bet announced it had uncovered a Hezbollah terror cell nearby.

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