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svgadminsvgNovember 2, 2013svgNews

Turkey Denies Helping Israel Strike Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu denied on Saturday reports that his had provided Israel with intelligence that helped it attack SA-8 missiles in Syria that were being transferred to Hezbollah on Thursday.

“This is an attempt to give the impression that Turkey is cooperating with Israel,” he said. “We have problems with Syria; we have a problem that is based on principles. But the government of Turkey never cooperated with Israel against any Muslim country and will never do so.”

He added that the reports are “black propaganda,” and claimed that they are meant “to cast a shadow on the just struggle of the Syrian nation and on Turkey’s approach. Our participation in any joint operation is out of the question.”

Al Arabiya reported Thursday that the SA-8 missiles that were attacked in Latakiya and Damascus were already in Hezbollah’s hands when they were struck.

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