Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday slammed President Barack Obama for being a “disgrace” in his treatment of Israel, just a day after Trump raised concerns for promising to be “neutral” and “unpredictable” in forcing peace talks on Israel.
Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News, the real estate mogul said, “Israel is so important. What Obama has done to Israel is a disgrace. How they even talk to us is hard to believe. How do they talk to Obama? You know, I have friends who support Obama, I said, How do you do it? It’s almost like they do it out of habit. They agree he’s been terrible.”
“You look at what he’s done to Israel, with just this Iran deal, which is such a terrible deal. He’s been the worst thing that’s ever happened to Israel,” said Trump.
“Now, a lot of my friends that are Jewish do not support him any longer. But I still have some that do. I say, How can you do it? …You know what? I think it’s habit. They do it out of habit.”
Regarding Jewish support for Obama, in 2008 when he defeated John McCain American Jews backed Obama 78-22, while in 2012 against Mitt Romney they backed Obama 69-30. The most Republican Jewish vote came in 1980, when Jimmy Carter still got 45-39 support over Ronald Reagan.
Even while making public statements of support for Israel, Trump has made other comments that cast doubt on what his policy will be.
Last month when asked if he backs the initiative of his competitors Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio to finally move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Trump said he was for it “100%.”
However, back in December while speaking at the Republican Jewish Coalition he refused to rule out dividing Jerusalem as part of peace talks he said he plans to foist on Israel.
He also placed the onus for the lack of peace on the Jewish state, saying in an interview, “a lot will have to do with Israel and whether or not Israel wants to make the deal – whether or not Israel’s willing to sacrifice certain things.”
Trump has been the Republican frontrunner in the race for the presidential nomination, but a national poll Thursday showed Senator Ted Cruz beating him out for the lead, for the first time.