Donald Trump, who lost the Iowa caucuses to Senator Ted Cruz, on Wednesday accused Cruz of “stealing” the caucuses, CNN reported.
Trump called for either new voting in Iowa or for the results to be nullified.
“Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified,” Trump wrote on Twitter, one of a series of Tweets attacking Cruz and questioning the outcome of the Iowa caucuses.
“Ted Cruz didn’t win Iowa, he stole it,” Trump tweeted. “That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated.”
“The State of Iowa should disqualify Ted Cruz from the most recent election on the basis that he cheated- a total fraud!” he wrote in another tweet.
Cruz’s campaign dismissed Trump’s claims on Twitter with humor.
“Reality hit the reality TV star in Iowa, so nobody is talking about him now, so he’s trying to regain some attention on Twitter,” Cruz communications director Rick Tyler told CNN.
“There are Twitter addiction support groups, so he should seek out his local chapter,” added Tyler.
Cruz himself teased Trump on Twitter early Wednesday afternoon, suggesting his rival become a Democrat and linking to one of his anti-Trump ads.
“Bernie is contesting #IA results. Maybe Donald should go back to IA join the Ds. Bet they’d love #TrumpCare,” Cruz tweeted.
Cruz then added, “Yet another #Trumpertantrum… @realDonaldTrump very angry w/the people of Iowa. They actually looked at his record.”
Polls in the week leading up to the caucuses showed Trump several points ahead of Cruz, which raised expectations for Trump’s campaign. But on Monday, Cruz was declared the victor after winning 4 percentage points more support than the billionaire real estate mogul.
One of the debates leading up to the caucuses featured a showdown between Trump and Cruz, when the billionaire took aim at Cruz, saying he might not be eligible to run for office because he was born in Canada, even though Cruz’s parents were both American citizens.
Cruz rebuffed the aspersions on his eligibility, noting, “Back in September, my friend Donald said he had his lawyers look at this in every which way. There was nothing to this birther issue.”
“Since September, the Constitution hasn’t changed. But the poll numbers have,” quipped Cruz, to the laughter of the audience.