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svgadminsvgMarch 21, 2016svgNews

Trump: All Jews support Israel-Palestine ‘deal’

Ahead of his much-anticipated speech at the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee annual policy conference in Washington D.C., Donald Trump suggested that Jews would support his approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday, the Republican frontrunner evaded questions regarding his comments ahead of the South Carolina primary in which the New York billionaire pledged to be “neutral” between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

When pressed to lay out the framework for his policy vis-à-vis Israel, Trump instead replied that “a deal would be in Israel’s interests.” He then claimed that Jews were unanimous in their support of a final status agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

“I’ll tell you what,” Trump said, “I don’t know one Jewish person that doesn’t want to have a deal, a good deal, a proper deal, but a really good deal.”

When pressed by Stephanopoulos as to the contours of such a deal, including whether it would entail territorial concessions by Israel, Trump again avoided offering specifics.

“So what does a good deal look like,” asked Stephanopoulos, “will Israel have to give up some land?”

“I don’t know any Jewish people that don’t want to make one,” Trump responded. “They’d all love to see a deal made. Now, they want to have a good deal, not an Obama-type deal. They want to have a good deal made.”

Trump promised to define the perimeters of a potential final status agreement in his AIPAC address on Monday.

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