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svgadminsvgMay 28, 2015svgNews

Treasury Unsure How PM will Fulfill Pledge to Erdan

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu may have promised additional funds to the Internal Security Ministry, but aides to Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon asserted Wednesday they were unsure where that money would materialize from. 

Netanyahu has pledged an additional budget of 300 million shekels ($77 million) to the ministry for next year, as well as an additional 500 million shekels in 2017. 

That pledge for extra funds was one of several conditions to ensure Gilad Erdan’s entrance into the cabinet. The Likud MK was sworn into the government Monday as Internal Security Minister, Strategic Affairs minister and Hasbarah Minister. 

According to a Haaretz report on Thursday, aides to Kahlon have strongly recommended that Netanyahu clarify the source of this funding. 

Erdan’s office, meanwhile, remain unworried, issuing a statement, saying, “The Prime Minister has committed to providing the budget supplement, and Erdan is certain that it will be provided.”

Netanyahu suggested Tuesday that the funds could potentially come from the Defense Ministry’s budget, but other Knesset sources said the matter would be clarified during an upcoming debate on the 2016 budget. 

Kahlon, the chairman of Kulanu, is by now no stranger to accommodating Netanyahu’s financial promises to parties and politicians. 

The Finance Minister managed the financial commitments to Shas and United Torah Judaism, who refused to join Netanyahu’s coalition without the promise of funds, and also had to make room for the demands of Naftali Bennett, when he took on the Education Ministry. 

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