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svgadminsvgAugust 13, 2015svgNews

Threats Against US Ambassador over Iran Deal

The US Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, received several threatening letters in the course of the past week, because of his country’s deal with Iran, allowing it to gradually develop nuclear weapons.

The letters included outright threats against Shapiro’s life, and his security team has received instructions to increase its presence around him. Beside the letters, no threatening calls or other threats have been received.

The US Embassy did not confirm the details to Arutz Sheva and explained that it does not “discuss matters concerning the security of the ambassador or the embassy.” It noted, however, that “there is ongoing excellent cooperation with the Israel Police regarding the embassy’s security needs.”

The police have increased the security around the ambassador and his home. They have also launched an in-depth investigation into the threatening letters.

Shapiro is considered close to President Obama and is often interviewed in the Israeli press to defend the Iran deal. On Thursday morning he was interviewed by Kol Yisrael radio, where he said he found it regrettable that Israel is rejecting the US offer for widening security cooperation after the deal is implemented.

He noted that the Gulf states have been conducting similar talks for months, and said it was too bad that Israel is not accepting the situation and looking forward.

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