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svgadminsvgDecember 22, 2016svgWomen

Female IDF Soldier Fought Off 23 Terrorists

Captain Or Ben-Yehuda of the Israeli Defense Forces has cemented a legacy that will endure well past her lifetime. The young, decorated IDF Captain was in charge of a company of soldiers when they were violently attacked by nearly two dozen terrorists near the Egyptian border.

Due to her leadership and bravery, she and her men were able to survive.


Captain Ben-Yehuda was in charge of the Caracal Battalion which was stationed near the Israeli / Egyptian border. Three suspicious vehicles quickly approached the battalion’s position and Captain Ben-Yehuda along with a driver went to check them out.



As they approached the first vehicle, nearly two dozen armed men opened fire on their position in an ambush attack. Both Captain Ben-Yehuda and her driver were immediately shot in the volley of gunfire.


Despite suffering from a gunshot wound, Captain Ben-Yehuda managed to get on the radio and call for backup, administer first aid to her driver and return several magazines worth of gunfire back at her attackers.


Backup, in the form of several vehicles full of IDF soldiers, arrived on scene, the wounded Captain commanded the responding soldiers and positioned her men to effectively fight back the terrorists.


At this point it was obvious the IDF was going to be able to push back the armed group, and medical personnel wanted to evacuate Captain Ben-Yehuda to treat her gunshot wounds. However, she was unwilling to leave the battlefield until all of the fighting was done.

For her actions and bravery, Captain Ben-Yehuda was awarded Israel’s highest honor, the Medal of Valor.


After she recovered from her injuries, a special awards ceremony was held in which a surprise guest showed up, Captain Ben-Yehuda’s mother. A decorated IDF soldier in her own right, she presented the award to her daughter.


Her mother, Emma Dina Ben-Yehuda, was a decorated IDF officer who served in the Yom Kippur War. She was also honored later for her work with grieving families of IDF soldiers killed in the line of duty.


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