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svgadminsvgJune 25, 2015svgNews

The Orthodox Connection of Howard Stern

Like most people on planet earth, I’ve known who Howard Stern is for years, though I’ve never really listened to his show or watched more than an occasional clip of “America’s Got Talent”. 

Then my friend Mayim Bialik was interviewed on his radio show last year and, of course, I had to hear it. What struck me most about their conversation was Mayim explaining Jewish ideas to Howard, like mikveh and modesty, publicizing these mitzvot to millions of his listeners. 

Howard challenged Mayim, wanting to know why she covers up so much, unlike most actresses in Hollywood, and Mayim explained that her body belongs to her, not Hollywood. Apparently, Howard was so struck by this idea that the next morning when he started his show he referenced it.

Howard Stern didn’t cross my mind again until a couple months ago, when I stumbled upon a poet whose work is featured in the LA Jewish Journal. A line in one of her poems jumped out at me: “Why in the world why in the heavens when God says find a mate, Adam never stops to say, You, God. Us”.

It was so profound, I wanted to hear more. So I started clicking through to read more of her work and as I read, I got to an article which explained who her dad was. I was fascinated! Howard Stern’s daughter became an Orthodox Jew?! I reached out to her, we had a wonderful coffee meeting and told her I’d love to share her story and her art with the world.

Listen to this show to find out more about her.

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