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svgadminsvgJune 27, 2015svgNews

Terrorists Open Fire on Ambulance North of Jerusalem

Arab terrorists on Saturday night opened fire on a civilian ambulance as it was driving along a road adjacent to Beit El in the Binyamin region of Samaria.

At least three direct hits from the bullets were located on the ambulance, but fortunately no one was wounded in the incident.

A resident of the region told Arutz Sheva that security forces began a wide search in the region.

The IDF has also established roadblocks adjacent to Bitin, an Arab village between Beit El and Ofra from which the terrorists apparently came from.

Last month the political echelon ordered the IDF to remove a roadblock leading to Bitin – the roadblock was returned within 24 hours after an Arab car driving on the road blocked a Jewish car on its way to Beit El, forcing the Jewish driver to swerve to the side of the road.

While the incident ended without any violence, it easily could have been the lead-in to a terrorist attack.

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