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svgadminsvgSeptember 18, 2014svgNews

Terrorists Launch Rocket Attack on Southern Israel

Gazan terrorists appear to have broken the ceasefire with Israel once again, firing rockets at communities in the Gaza Belt region.

At around 11:45 a.m. rocket alert sirens were reported in several communities in southern Israel, including the Hof Ashkelon and Gaza belt regions.

Police in Lachish, southern Israel, are currently conducting a search for the impact site or sites. No injuries or damage have been reported.

The latest rocket attack comes just two days after a mortar attack was launched by Gazan terrorists against southern Israel, in breach of a month-long ceasefire.

Hamas denied responsibility for that attack on Tuesday morning, and later in the day announced it had arrested the perpetrators.

But many residents of southern Israel say they no longer trust the government’s guarantees of quiet, despite the truce. Many have chosen to flee their homes for the upcoming Rosh Hashana (Jewish New Year) holidays, both due to fears terrorists will breach the truce again, as well as consistent rumors that Hamas had been planning an attack against Jewish communities bordering Gaza to coincide with the new year.

More to follow.

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