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admin March 15, 2012 News

Terrorists Fire Another Rocket at Israel Thursday

Despite the de facto cease fire in southern Israel, Gaza Arab terrorists fired another rocket at Israel Thursday morning. The rocket exploded in an open area near the city of Netivot in southern Israel. No one was injured, and no damage was reported.

This was the fourth rocket fired at Israel since the cease fire was announced. Three rockets were fired at Israeli targets Wednesday night by Gaza Arab terrorists. Two of the missiles aimed at Be’ersheva were intercepted by the Iron Dome rocket defense system, while the third fell near the town of Ofakim in an open field.

No injuries were reported, but several people were treated for shock in the attacks. As a result of the attacks, school was canceled in Ashdod, Be’ersheva, Kiryat Malachi, and Gan Yavneh – all of which have been under fire in recent days.

In response to the attack, IDF planes attacked terror targets in Gaza. Planes hit a site used for launching rockets against Israel in northern Gaza, and destroyed a tunnel used by terrorists to smuggle weapons from Sinai into Gaza. In a statement, the IDF said that it would “continue to defend Israeli citizens and respond with force and determination to any attempts to conduct terror attacks.

“Hamas, which takes advantage of other terror groups to conduct terror attacks against Israel, is responsible for these attacks, and will shoulder the responsibility of any future action by the IDF to remove the terror threat and restore quiet to the region,” the statement added.

Meanwhile, IDF troops arrested 11 wanted security suspects in Judea and Samaria overnight Wednesday. Five of the suspects were arrested in the Ramallah area, and two were arrested in Azzun, an Arab village on Route 55 adjacent to the towns of Alfei Menashe, Ma’ale Shomron, and Karnei Shomron. Numerous rock and firebomb attacks have occurred on Route 55 in recent days, and the suspects are thought to be connected to the incidents. All the suspects were being questioned by security officials on Thursday morning.

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