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svgadminsvgJuly 9, 2014svgNews

Terrorists Fire 40 Rockets Towards Southern Israel

Terrorists from Gaza fired a salvo of at least 40 rockets towards southern Israel on Wednesday night, shortly after 11:00 p.m.

Sirens were heard in Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ein Tsurim, Kiryat Malachi and the Be’er Tuvia Regional Council.

At least four rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system over Kiryat Malachi. One more rocket was intercepted over Netivot and a sixth rocket was intercepted over Ashdod.

Other rockets exploded in open areas. There were no physical injuries from the rockets themselves, but three people were injured when they crashed their car into a wall on Highway 3, near Kiryat Malachi, when they were surprised by the sirens.

The rocket attacks from Gaza continued throughout the day on Wednesday, with Hamas once again expanding the range of the rockets to areas at least 45 kilometers (almost 30 miles) north of Tel Aviv.

Meanwhile, Operation Protective Edge continues. IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz said Wednesday evening that Chief of Staff Benny Gantz has approved all of the plans for an IDF ground offensive into Gaza.

Almoz added that the pressure on Gaza will grow in the coming hours and the IAF attacks will become even more intense.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu earlier on Wednesday held security consultations at IDF Southern Command headquarters, and decided afterwards to expand the operation until the rocket fire stops.

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