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svgadminsvgOctober 26, 2015svgNews

Terrorists coordinating attacks from behind bars

The Israel Prison Service (IPS) dismissed a top commander Monday, after terrorist prisoners were found at the Nafha detention facility with contraband mobile phones. 

Nafha is considered one of the most secure prisons in Israel, and holds hundreds of security prisoners – many from Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Fatah. 

Despite this, dozens of prisoners managed to receive smuggled cell phones recently, and have been using them to help coordinate ‘hostile acts’ – i.e. terror attacks – and communicate with active terrorists from afar, Walla! News reports. 

IPS dismissed Nafha prison warden Col. Shimon Bibas over the find and stressed Monday that it is “waging an all-out war” on contraband cell phones, “through technological means, undercover agents,” and other measures. 

“We will continue to disrupt the intentions of prisoners and smuggling routes,” the IPS stated. “Regarding command procedures – these have not yet been exhausted, and we are taking care of the issues now.” 

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