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admin May 28, 2015 News

Terrorist: We’ll Continue Until Our Entire Land is Liberated

A terrorist who was freed from an Israeli prison in the 2011 Shalit deal and exiled to Turkey was recently seen on Palestinian Authority (PA) television urging Palestinian Arabs to continue fighting Israel until “our entire land is liberated”.

The female terrorist, Amna Muna, in January of 2001 lured 16-year-old Ophir Rachum to Ramallah, where he was shot to death by terrorists. Muna met Rachum on the internet and, after gaining his confidence, convinced him to meet her and drove him to Ramallah where he was murdered by two Fatah terrorists.

She was interviewed on May 15 on the official Palestinian Authority TV channel. The interview was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

“Our struggle is still in its early stages, and I have not completed my duty. I have done very little, and Allah willing, there is still much to be done for Palestine, which is in need of us all. Nothing will break our resolve – not imprisonment, not exile, and not martyrdom. Nothing. We shall continue on our path until our entire land is liberated, Allah willing,” she said in the interview.

“From this podium, I say to my family, my mother, and my Palestinian people, to my friends, to my dear ones, and to the world in its entirety: I shall return to Palestine. I shall return to my home, to Jerusalem. Sooner or later I shall return, Allah willing,” added Muna.

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