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svgadminsvgDecember 18, 2013svgNews

Terrorist Killed, ‘Several’ Injured in Jenin Clashes

IDF soldiers shot dead a Palestinian terrorist and wounded at least five others during a counterterrorism operation in the Samaria (Shomron) region Wednesday.

Clashes broke out after Israeli special forces came under fire after being exposed in the course of an undercover operation to arrest local Hamas commander Jamal Abu al-Haija.

“Earlier this evening during a counter terrorism activity in Jenin, Palestinians opened fire and threw improvised grenades and explosive devices at security forces,” a statement said.

Soldiers “retaliated towards the perpetrators in self defense. Several Palestinians were wounded in the exchange of fire” and taken by the army to an Israeli hospital.  “One casualty died of his wounds on the way to the hospital.”

No IDF soldiers were injured.

Ma’an news agency identified the slain terrorist as 23 year-old Qassem al-Saadi.

Following the incident “approximately 100 Palestinians violently attackedthe security forces by hurling rocks,” the army continued. “Riot dispersalmeans were used to contain the disturbances.”

More to follow.

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