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svgadminsvgJune 2, 2016svgNews

Terror victim’s widow cries out: They’ve forgotten us

Ruti Hasno, the widow of terror victim Avraham Hasno, has turned to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in a demand to demolish the house of the terrorist who murdered her husband in a car ramming attack near Hevron last October.

Hasno spoke to Arutz Sheva on Thursday about how IDF engineering corps forces mapped out the home of the terrorist Sahban Wael At-Titi in the village of Dahariya in Judea around a month ago, but a request for a demolition order has yet to be issued.

The bereaved widow called on Netanyahu to get involved, saying, “they told me that they took the measurements of the house so that another home wouldn’t be damaged – in practice they didn’t do anything, they’re waiting for an order from high up.”

“Today they don’t do anything if there isn’t an order from high up; the terrorist who murdered Avraham didn’t wait for orders from above,” Hasno told Arutz Sheva.

She expressed her hopes that the decision makers would speed things along after receiving her demand for the deterrent move.

“I fear that the moment you don’t make noise in the media and don’t say ‘here we are,’ they forget us, if there’s quiet they forget. So I turn to the Prime Minister and also to the rest of the dear (bereaved) families: don’t sleep, don’t fall asleep.”

Addressing Netanyahu, she said, “Prime Minister wake up, they murdered my husband eight months ago, and the house of the terrorist remains standing, there is no reason for his children and family to sleep in quiet in the house.”

Hasno noted that in the last court hearing she was forced to see the terrorist who murdered her husband.

“They extended his arrest by two months, he is in Ofer Prison. We sat not far from him, five meters (just over 16 feet – ed.), he lowered his eyes and bent down, he appeared afraid. The IPS (Israel Prison Service) forces guarded us well, unfortunately there isn’t protection like that all the time.”

The terrorist was originally indicted for manslaughter in April before that charge was upgraded to murder following the outrage of Ruti Hasno and her children.

Avraham Hasno, a 54-year-old resident of Kiryat Arba, was murdered at the Al Fawar junction near Hevron. After being ambushed by Arab rock throwers, Hasno left his vehicle to chase off his attackers, but was intentionally run over and murdered by At-Titi.

An Arutz Sheva analysis of photographic evidence of the incident captured by a Reuters photographer revealed the driver, who turned himself in to Palestinian police claiming it was an accident, ran over Hasno at least twice, in an act of cold-blooded murder. After Palestinian police released him in March, Israel arrested the terrorist.

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