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svgadminsvgMay 31, 2014svgNews

Terror Near-Miss North of Jerusalem

An Israeli citizen reported Friday afternoon to the Binymin Region security hotline that shots had been fired at his car as it traveled near the community of Adam.

Large IDF forces arrived on the scene and a forensics team identified two bullets that hit the car. The forces bergan combing the region for suspects.

On Friday morning, IDF forces apprehended an Arab terrorist wearing a bomb belt at Tapuach Junction in Samaria, near the city of Ariel.

The terrorist raised suspicions by wearing a large coat in the hot summer weather. After security forces called on him to take off his coat and be checked, the man refused and proceeded to lay on the floor, reports Channel 10.

When he finally removed his coat, he was found to be wearing a belt of explosives. A bomb disposal squad was called to the area to dismantle the explosives.

The area was closed to car traffic by police following the incident, which caused no injuries or damage.

“This is a serious rise in intensity in the attempt of the Palestinians to harm innocent civilians,” said Gershon Messika, head of the Samaria Regional Council. “It’s clear the Palestinians aren’t for peace. The time has come for the Israeli government to recognize that, and rebuke whoever dares say that Israel is to blame for the peace talk failure.”

Those blaming Israel have reportedly included Palestinian Authority (PA) chief negotiator Saeb Erekat, as well as US President Barack Obamaand US Secretary of State John Kerry.

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