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svgadminsvgMay 24, 2014svgNews

Terror Attack Thwarted in Gush Etzion

IDF forces prevented a terrorist attack in the town of Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion Friday night.

On Friday night, patrols on shift in watch towers in the Etzion region identified two suspicious figures approaching the kibbutz and then standing in front of a cluster of houses. 

Security forces managed to close in on the suspects quickly and detain them for questioning. 

“The quick work of observation forces, in cooperation with operative combat forces in the Etzion region, has brought remarkable success,” said Etzion deputy brigade commander , Lt. Col. Ayes Fares. “The main goal of our work in the sector is maintaining the safety of Gush Etzion’s residents, and we are careful to do so every day and every hour.”

Two Palestinian Arab suspects were caught carrying knives and bullets, presumably ahead of a terror attack, security forces revealed Saturday night. 

The successful operation is the result of a long-term effort to reduce terror in Judea and Samaria – and prevent attacks before they occur. 

“On this occasion, we commend patrol forces for their work in maintaining security in this sector,” Fares concluded. “Only this quest for excellence in fighting terrorism allows us to achieve what we did last night in Migdal Oz.”

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