Rebels in Syria claimed on Sunday that they had killed at least 42 Hizbullah terrorists, who were fighting with soldiers loyal to President Bashar al-Assad on behalf of Iran. The deaths were reported by Arab television station Al-Arabiya, which quoted a rebel leader as saying that the operation was a “high quality one.”
In a statement, rebel leaders said that the Hizbullah terrorists were killed when a bomb planted by Free Syrian Army fighters exploded at a building in Damascus that is a center for government troops and their supporters. The Al-Arabiya report claimed that the deaths occurred when a roadside bomb planted by Syrian rebels went off, killing those riding in a convoy.
The government has not confirmed the reports.
Violence continued throughout the weekend in Syria. On Saturday night, more than 30 people, most of them civilians, were killed when Syrian army planes bombed the cities of Homs and A-Raka, both of which are controlled by the rebels. Human rights groups in Syria said Sunday that over 20 people had been killed in a separate attack by the Syrian army in Latakiya.
Over the weekend, more Syrian refugees who have been injured in the fighting were brought to Israel for treatment.
The latest to be treated was a Syrian civilian who was taken to Ziv Hospital in Tzefat for treatment of injuries sustained when he was shot in the stomach.
So far, 57 Syrians have been treated in Israeli hospitals.