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svgadminsvgMay 27, 2016svgNews

‘Stop the nude dance performance in the Holy City’

Former MK Nissim Ze’ev, one of the founders of the Shas party, is calling on Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat to cancel the dance performance “More than Naked” which is scheduled for Friday at the Jerusalem Theater as part of the Israel Festival.

In an interview with Arutz Sheva, Ze’ev noted that during the performance 12 completely nude dancers are to take the stage in a dance piece choreographed by Doris Uhlich of Austria.

The ex-MK expressed shock at the planned provocative piece, and surprise that no religious or haredi city council members have protested it.

“There is a culture here of sinners and I am surprised about the city council members, most of whom are religious and haredi, who let it pass by and do not protest or raise a cry,” said Ze’ev. “It cannot be that the Jerusalem municipality would close its eyes and say it doesn’t get involved in the contents.”

Ze’ev explained the dance performance is not “culture,” but rather crass “prostitution.”

“This is an artistic prostitution-like program, which is considered as if it was culture. It isn’t culture and it isn’t education. We have values and principles in Judaism and we must not give youth the impression that everything is permissible,” he warned.

“We have to stop the celebration of abominations in Jerusalem. Unfortunately there is no limit to permissiveness and every time they go down another rung into the abyss, we are already below zero.”

According to the former MK, even a secular mayor like Barkat should recognize the performance is in bad taste.

“When we’re talking about Jerusalem our capital, the Holy City, I expect that the mayor will cancel this performance. Because if this performance is held that will be a precedent for other nude performances.”

“This is the destruction of Jerusalem and I expect (action from) the mayor – he may be secular but it is impossible to show contempt for democracy, and most residents of this city are religious and haredi and also Arabs, all are against this,” he said.

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