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svgadminsvgJanuary 7, 2015svgNews

State to Pay Yehuda Glick NIS 7,500 over Detainment

Temple activist Yehuda Glick will receive 7,500 shekels (over $1,800) from the state as compensation for his detainment by police five years ago, the Supreme Court decided Wednesday morning.

The court enlarged the sum of compensation that a lower court had already awarded Glick, reported Kol Yisrael public radio.

The incident occurred when Glick tried to document with his camera the way security checks are carried out at the entrance to the Temple Mount. Glick sought to prove that the police discriminate against Jews in the procedure by carrying out thorough checks against them, eve as non-Jewish tourists are admitted after a “symbolic” security check.

Policemen who saw Glick taking photos detained him for questioning, twice. Glick succeeded in proving that the detainment had been unlawful.

The District Court awarded him 3,000 shekels in damages but Glick filed an appeal and demanded a larger sum – based on legal precedents and in the hope of creating a deterrent against future missteps by the police. The Supreme Court accepted his appeal and enlarged the compensation to 7,500 shekels. 

Glick is recovering from an assassination attempt two months ago, in which he was shot four times.

He told Arutz Sheva after being released from the hospital: “After I woke up and I read the headlines in the press from the days it happened using the word ‘assassination’, I realized that this is… not just a plain terror act – but this was an attempt to assassinate me just because of my legal, legitimate activity for human rights, and my legal, legitimate activity for freedom to pray at the place that is the holiest place in the world.”

“God gave me my life back as a present. I don’t know why… but I know that if He left me in this world He wants me to continue with my mission… to do what I’ve been doing until now – calling on all of those who are faithful in the Bible: come to the Temple Mount!” 

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