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svgadminsvgAugust 21, 2015svgNews

State Department: Iran ‘In No Way’ Inspecting its Own Sites

The State Department in Washington on Thursday said the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would “in no way” hand over responsibility for nuclear inspections to Iran.

“That is not how the IAEA does business,” State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement quoted by Reuters, in reference to a report on Wednesday which implied the UN agency would cede certain verification power to Tehran.

The Associated Press revealed on Wednesday that only Iranian inspectors would investigate the Parchin site, where Iran allegedly conducted nuclear testing in the past, and would provide the IAEA with pictures and video from inside.

The report was based on a confidential draft agreement between Iran and the IAEA regarding the site.

Earlier on Thursday, IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano said he was “disturbed” by what he said were “inaccurate claims” regarding the inspections of Iran’s nuclear facilities.

“I am disturbed by statements suggesting that the IAEA has given responsibility for nuclear inspections to Iran,” Amano said in a statement quoted.

“Such statements misrepresent the way in which we will undertake this important verification work,” added Amano.

He said the IAEA’s arrangements with Iran are “technically sound and consistent with our long-established practices. They do not compromise our safeguards standards in any way.”

Iran has demanded its side deals with the IAEA be kept secret from the U.S.,  a demand the IAEA and Obama administration have willingly complied with, not letting Congressional review be privy to the secret deals. 

There had already been unconfirmed reports a month ago that Parchin would be off limits to international inspectors, exactly as Iran has threatened. 

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