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svgadminsvgNovember 29, 2015svgNews

Stabbing in Jerusalem, Border policeman injured

A Border Policeman in his twenties was injured in a stabbing at Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate, outside the Old City, initial reports indicate Sunday morning.

A Palestinian Arab attacker – now revealed to be 38 year-old Shechem (Nablus) resident Basim Salah – managed to stab the policeman while shouting ‘Allah Akhbar‘ (Allah is great – ed.); the policeman was attempting to stop the attack. Security forces eliminated the terrorist at the scene while rushing to the victim’s aid. 

The policeman is suffering from wounds to his upper body, specifically near his neck. Magen David Adom (MDA) medics treated him at the scene and have transferred him to Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center, where he is listed in light to moderate condition. 

The attack unfolded on Hagai St., a flashpoint for terror in the Old City in recent weeks. 

“When I arrived I saw a young man who was stabbed in the upper body,” Yehiel Stern, a volunteer for United Hatzalah who was at the scene, stated to Channel 2. “We gave him first aid treatment and then transferred him to the hospital fully conscious.” 

“Bystanders said that shots were fired at the terrorist who carried out the attack, [which was] near the location of the murder of Aaron Bennett and Nehemiah Lavi,” he added. “The terrorist was shot dead.”

Photos have begun emerging of the scene on social media. 

Updates to follow. 

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