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svgadminsvgMay 10, 2015svgNews

Sources: Hotovely to Become First Religious Woman Minister

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is in the process of deciding which Likud MKs to “reward” with a ministerial position – and among those MKs is likely to be Tzipi Hotovely. An appointment for Hotovely would be a historic first for Israel – as she would be the first observant woman to be appointed to a ministry.

Known for her right-wing views, Hotovely has been credited with helping to bring votes in to the Likud during the last, crucial days of the campaign, from Jewish Home and Shas. Hotovely helped drive home the point among religious Zionist voters that without a solid showing, Netanyahu would be unlikely to be chosen to form the government, and right-wing parties would find themselves out in the cold. As a result, Netanyahu garnered tens of thousands of last-minute votes, with Likud winning 30 seats, substantially more than the 23 to 25 the last polls before the March 17th elections showed the party getting.

After the election, Netanyahu met with Hotovely to thank her for her work. Hotovely led the party’s campaign in Judea and Samaria, where 15% more voters chose Likud in this year’s election than did in 2013.

Sources in the Likud said that Hotovely would likely be named Minister of Science and Technology. She had requested that she be given the Tourism Ministry, which, she said, would allow her to enhance the ties between Israel and Jewish communities around the world.

Hotovely’s political career began in 2009 when Netanyahu singled her out as a favored candidate for the Knesset, after seeing her appearances on a television show devoted to political debates.

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