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svgadminsvgJune 14, 2015svgNews

Soldiers Sentenced for Hitting, Cursing Rioter

The Kfir Brigade Commander, Col. Asher Ben Lulu, has completed an inquiry into the incident Friday in which IDF soldiers overpowered an Arab rioter at the village of Jilazoun, in the Binyamin region.

Arabs caught the incident on tape. The video is embedded above and can be viewed by clicking on the center of the image.

The inquiry determined that the decision to arrest the rioter was correct and legitimate, but the arrest was carried out “improperly.”

The battalion commander was court-martialed and reprimanded.

Two of the soldiers involved were sentenced to a suspended sentence of 28 days’ lockup for use of excessive force.

A third soldier involved in the incident was sentenced to remain on base for 30 days without leave because he hurled curses at the rioter. 

The inquiry determined that the riot Friday had been a violent one, which lasted for several hours. Arabs hurled firebombs, boulders and rocks at the soldiers. A company commander was evacuated in the course of the riot after a rock hit his face, with a possible fracture in his eye socket.

The Arab who is seen in the video approached the soldiers in order to create a provocation. He did not heed the soldiers’ instructions to halt and grabbed hold of the weapon of one of the commanders, who then decided to use force to arrest him. He can be seen touching the gun of one of the soldiers in the video.

The video shows how little deterrence IDF soldiers currently wield vis-a-vis violent rioters, who know that they can approach armed soldiers with impunity, as long as events are videotaped by other rioters or leftist sympathizers. The soldiers, on the other hand, know that any use of force will lead to their being court-martialled.

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