Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin, hy”d, who was killed by Hamas terrorists on Friday, was a close relative of Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, it was cleared for publication Sunday morning.
Hebrew media has yet to officially indicate how the two were related, but the Hebrew phrase – karov mishpaha – indicates an immediate or otherwise very close family relationship between the two.
The gag order was implemented on the family’s request, so as to not escalate the situation with Hamas in the event Goldin was alive and being held captive.
Goldin will be laid to rest at 5:30 pm Sunday in the military cemetery in Kfar Saba.
Late Saturday, the Chief Rabbi of the IDF, Brigadier Gen. Rafi Peretz, declared Goldin’s death after a 48-hour search for the missing IDF officer and after a special meeting was held with religious officials and IDF staff.
Goldin was killed in Gaza by Hamas terrorists on Friday, who ambushed the Givati Brigade near Rafah in the hours preceding what was supposed to have been a 72-hour ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.