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svgadminsvgJune 7, 2015svgNews

Sick Hamas Soccer Poster Features Dead IDF Soldiers

Gaza’s soccer cup will be held in Rafah and Sheijaya on Sunday, and the organizers have used a unique marketing strategy: exploiting the terror murders of IDF soldiers Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul, whom Hamas killed during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza.  

A notice published shows photos of the two soldiers above a stadium and paints the two opposing teams, the Ittihad Sheijaya and the Hadma’at Rafah, as each aligning with a soldier (Shaul and Goldin, respectively). 

The poster paints the match as “Shaul vs. Goldin,” according to a translation provided by Walla! News

Goldin, an officer in the IDF’s elite Pulsar Golani unit, was killed in Gaza on July 20, 2014, at the height of Operation Protective Edge, after Hamas terrorists breached one of several ceasefires to attack his unit on the outskirts of the city of Rafah. Shaul was killed on August 1 during clashes between Hamas infiltrators and the IDF in the Gaza Belt; the clash erupted into anti-tank fire. 

Hamas terrorists in Gaza still hold possession of Shaul’s and Goldin’s bodies and refuse to return them

The announcement follows a heated debate in world sport over whether to boycott Israel in FIFA, the world soccer association – an issue which ultimately was dropped but also drew the issue of the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s cynical use of sports to promote terror.

Hamas is viewed as a proxy of the PA due to the joint government declared last April, despite a series of tense clashes between the group and PA’s Fatah faction. 

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