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svgadminsvgSeptember 25, 2013svgNews

Rioting Arabs Attack Jewish Pilgrims Next to Mount of Olives

A hareidi-religious family from New York was the victim of a serious attack by rioting Arabs Wednesday afternoon, asthey were making their way to pray on the Mount of Olives, east of Jerusalem’s Old City. One of the passengers in their rented car was taken to Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital with wounds to the head and one of his hands.

Area resident Nitai Shilo, who helped the family after the attempted lynch, told Arutz Sheva that the family, including children, got stuck in a big traffic jam next to the Mount of Olives. He said, “While their car stood in the traffic jam, disorderly Arabs began to attack the car with rocks and cement blocks.”

After they broke the windows, the attackers tried to reach the family itself. They began to attack the passengers, who were crying for help in the vehicle. During the many minutes that help did not come, the driver was trying, without success to escape.

The driver was finally able to escape to the police station in the Mount of Olives area and police units went to the scene of the attack to in an attempt to apprehend the attackers. 

Shilo said, “All of the car was smashed. It’s a big miracle. It’s hard for me to look at the smashed car and believe the family got out safely.”

A similar attack took place on Tuesday in Jerusalem neighborhood of A-Tur.

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