The investigation into the circumstances of the fatal crash that took place early Thursday afternoon near Kochav Hashahar, in the Binyamin region, is ongoing. Corporal Stav PArtosh, 19, of Maale Adumim, was killed, and 40 soldiers suffered light to moderate wounds.
The deceased’s father, Master Sergeant Yosi Partosh of the Jerusalem Fire and Rescue Service, was one of the first on the scene – only to discover when he arrived that his daughter had suffered grave wounds and she died a short time later.
She will be laid to rest at Har Herzl at 10:30 PM Thursday evening.
A preliminary investigation suggests the driver was driving too fast as he took a curve between Kokhav Hashahar and Migdalim in the Binyamin region of Samaria.
But the driver, Noam Lonchel of Kiryat Arba in Judea, told Walla from his hospital bed that it was an Arab driver in a car with Palestinian Authority (PA) plates who cut him off at high speed, causing him to swerve and flip.
“A Palestinian car overtook me recklessly and caused the accident,” he said.
Superintendent Moshe Cohen said that the bus is “functioning very well and no mechanical defect has been found on it yet”.
Cohen said the bus, the condition of the road and testimony from the soldiers who were on board – who are now in hospital – will all be looked into as part of the investigation.