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svgadminsvgSeptember 20, 2014svgNews

Report: Israeli Drone Crashes in Lebanon

An Israeli drone crashed inside Lebanon on Saturday, coming down close to the demarcation line with the Jewish state, according to a military source.

“The drone crashed on the Lebanese border, inside Lebanese territory. Lebanese troops are in the area,” the source told AFP.

There was no immediate comment from Israel, but the incident is not the first of its kind.

In February, an Israeli drone crashed on the Blue Line, the UN-demarcated line between Lebanon and Israel.

Israeli soldiers reportedly crossed into Lebanese territory during that incident to retrieve the wreckage.

Israeli aircraft regularly cross into Lebanese airspace to monitor Hezbollah military positions. The Iranian-backed group is sworn to Israel’s destruction and reportedly possesses some 100,000 rockets for use against the Jewish state. The border area in southern Lebanon has been the scene of tense, and sometimes deadly standoffs in the past.

The Blue Line was drawn up in 2000 by the UN after Israeli troops withdrew from southern Lebanon.

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