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svgadminsvgMay 18, 2015svgNews

Report: IDF Centralizing Call Centers

The IDF is taking steps to improve their disastrous call centers, a senior official told Channel 2 Monday, after years of complaints from frustrated soldiers and amidst an overarching centralization process. 

Until now, complaints, requests for medical appointments through the IDF’s healthcare system, sexual harassment reports, and inquiries from reservists each were directed to a different call center, creating confusion and a merry-go-round of operators. 

Now, a central call center will be opened up instead under the direction of the IDF’s Manpower Directorate, the official revealed. 

“Right now, people don’t know who to turn to, and everyone tells [callers] to go somewhere else,” the source stated. “A lot of people call and send faxes to various agencies and nothing is tracked […] it’s not orderly.” 

Call operators will be trained in multiple disciplines to handle each type of call that comes in, the official states. As it stands currently, the long wait times for official IDF responses have led to a top-heavy management, with many turning to the generals of major divisions or department heads for answers after receiving dead ends at call centers – and problems are still not being addressed. 

Earlier this month, several soldiers revealed to the news agency that the problem is particularly compounded with the IDF’s healthcare system – with some soldiers waiting for months on end for prescriptions or serious appointments. 

The move is one of many steps the IDF has taken over the past year to centralize key programs, including training programs. In March, it destroyed the historic Tzrifin Base as part of the first steps to move all IDF training bases to one key compound in the Negev. 

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