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svgadminsvgJanuary 3, 2015svgNews

Report: Feiglin Considering Forming a New Party

MK Moshe Feiglin is considering forming a new party after failing to win a realistic spot in the Likud’s Knesset list, Channel 2 News’ political reporter Amit Segal reported on Saturday night.

According to Segal, Feiglin will make a final decision on the matter by Monday, when he will hold a gathering of activists. Feiglin’s associates would not confirm or deny the report.

Reports on Friday indicated that Feiglin was given an unrealistic spot because he was the target of an orchestrated “political assassination” from within the Likud.

According to Yedioth Ahronoth, the main hand behind Feiglin’s primaries failure was none other than Haim Bibas, director of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s elections headquarters, mayor of Modi’in and director of the regional authority of the city.

Bibas held a campaign to convince Likud activists in Judea and Samaria not to support Feiglin, according to the paper.

“We wiped him out below the radar,” a senior Likud source was quoted as saying. “It took Likudniks time to understand that he causes us damage. This is Netanyahu’s greatest success in these primaries.”

Another opponent of Feiglin who acted for his downfall according to the report is his neighbor in Karnei Shomron in Samaria, Asi Levi, who is a member of the Karnei Shomron Regional Council.

“All these years we helped Feiglin succeed, but he had delusions of grandeur. I came to the conclusion that he isn’t a Likudnik but rather acts to crush the Likud,” Levi was quoted as saying. He then admitted, “We did a ‘targeted killing’ on Feiglin.”

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